- a [[workshop]]. - [[2022-11-12]] [[2022-11-13]] - #pull [[siw]] [[synthesis infrastructures group]] - #go https://discord.com/channels/1029514961782849607/1032530308505026611/1041357236909383680 - See more notes in the [[stoa]] of [[synthesis infrastructures group]] == https://doc.anagora.org/synthesis-infrastructures-group - [[breakout rooms]] - [[jonny saunders]] - [[overlays]] - [[linked data]], providing a service for platforms that don't currently have one - profile metadata - [[agora]] - [[agora bridge]] - how can we take noisy/etc. social media, not require everybody to change all their ways but still give them ways to communicate - [[meca]] - [[interlay]] - [[underlay]] - [[united federation of discourse graphs]] - #push [[do]] - check out [[cscw]]